When cleared from the fog of legal-speak, personal injury simply means you were injured by the carelessness of someone else. In vehicle terms, carelessness could stem from a range of infractions including speeding, fleeing the scene of an accident, improper lane change, or driving under the influence of alcohol. Personal injury can take many forms and a few of them are listed as follows:
Automobile accidents
Neck and Back Injuries
Motorcycle Accidents
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Wrongful Death
At Wagner Law Firm, we represent individuals whose lives have been significantly changed as a result of another’s careless acts. Going it alone as an injured against an insurance company is difficult because the adjuster is trained to pay you as little as possible and has access to the legal department of the insurance company to back them up. You need an attorney on your side to make sure the insurance company fully investigates your claim and pays what is due to you.
Should you seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, or emotional trauma, the burden of proof, unfortunately, weighs on you. And, quite often during this negotiating process, many personal-injury claim victims discover that some insurance carriers are foes rather than friends. The insurance company hires adjusters and attorneys to review and handle auto accident cases in the best interest of the insurance company, not you. Hiring an attorney to look out for your best interests is a must and most people experience less stress and recover more money with an attorney fighting to enforce their rights.